新加坡 – 2019年7月 – 维塔士成都工作室人才开发总监张翀先生受邀参加2019年中国游戏开发者大会(CGDC 2019),他将在射击游戏分会场进行演讲,分享他的洞见和实践经验。
新加坡 – 2019年7月 – 维塔士成都工作室人才开发总监张翀先生受邀参加2019年中国游戏开发者大会(CGDC 2019),他将在射击游戏分会场进行演讲,分享他的洞见和实践经验。
新加坡 – 2019年6月 – 2019年电子娱乐展览会(E3 2019)在期待和掌声中落下帷幕,各大游戏厂商带来了他们的最新游戏主机和大量游戏作品。微软(Microsoft)、任天堂(Nintendo)、Square Enix(史克威尔艾尼克斯)、贝塞斯达(Bethesda)以及游戏知名开发商们纷纷在展会上展示他们的最新游戏项目,这让洛杉矶乃至全球的游戏迷们都兴奋不已。
Singapore – January 2019 – The D.I.C.E. (Design, Innovate, Communicate, Entertain) Summit in Las Vegas is now just two weeks away. Virtuos, as hosts of the Round Table sessions will be on the stage at D.I.C.E. 2019, with other experts to share their insights into the hot topics in game development, with a focus on what might be ‘Next’ or even ‘Now’, such as AI, Cloud gaming, VR and AR.
新加坡 – 2018年9月 – 维塔士上海工作室总经理Elijah Freeman先生受邀参加第十一届欧特克AU中国“大师汇”(下称“AU 2018”),届时他将以大师论坛主题演讲人的身份,代表维塔士同与会的两岸三地及全球企业领军人士、设计及管理大师、自由艺术家、行业技术专家等创意精英齐聚一堂,分享维塔士多年来的游戏开发与实践经验。
Singapore – September 2018 – The Virtuos team is preparing to head to sunny Vancouver to attend XDS 2018 from September 5th-7th, where the company will be involved in two interesting speaking sessions.
Singapore- August 13th 2018. Virtuos is delighted to announce that the company will be a presenting sponsor at XDS 2018 on September 5th-7th, Vancouver, Canada.
Shanghai – September 28, 2017 -At XDS 2017 Virtuos took part in two in-depth panels’ discussions about the future and best practices in the games external development industry.
Shanghai, China – 21 June, 201…