Singapore – April 2020 – 닌텐도 스위치의 제조사인 닌텐도는 XCOM® 2 컬렉션을 곧 출시될 스위치의 타이틀로 선정했습니다. Riraxis Games와 Virtuos가 공동 개발하고 Take-two interactive가 퍼블리싱한 XCOM® 2컬렉션에는 비평가들로부터도 인정받은 XCOM® 2전략게임과 더불어…
Singapore – April 2020 – 닌텐도 스위치의 제조사인 닌텐도는 XCOM® 2 컬렉션을 곧 출시될 스위치의 타이틀로 선정했습니다. Riraxis Games와 Virtuos가 공동 개발하고 Take-two interactive가 퍼블리싱한 XCOM® 2컬렉션에는 비평가들로부터도 인정받은 XCOM® 2전략게임과 더불어…
Singapore- April 2020 – 4월 28일 구글은 세계적 인기 타이틀인 PUBG를 Stadia에서 플레이가 가능하다고 발표하면서, EA의 다양한 타이틀들 또한 올해 말 출시할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다. 모든 Stadia Pro회원에게 무료로 플레이가 제공되는 Stadia에서의 PUBG는 크로스플레이를 지원하며 새로운 콜드 프런트 시즌패스를 포함하고 있습니다. 또한 구글은 게임링크를 클릭하면 즉시 게임을 할 수 있는 새로운 Stadia기능을 선보입니다.
Singapore – March 2020– Publisher 2K Games and developer Virtuos announced that BioShock: The Collection, which includes BioShock Remastered, BioShock 2 Remastered, and BioShock Infinite: The Complete Edition, is coming to Nintendo Switch on May 29, 2020.
Respawn Entertainment has released Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on November 15, 2019. Virtuos was honored to be heavily involved in the gameplay, level design and art production for this title.
Respawn Entertainment has released Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order on November 15, 2019. Virtuos was honored to be heavily involved in the gameplay, level design and art production for this title.
Singapore – August 2019 – Virtuos is thrilled to be the official partner responsible for the adaptation of Obsidian Entertainment’s latest entry, The Outer Worlds on the Nintendo Switch! This exciting news came from the official announcement trailer of The Outer Worlds from Nintendo, revealing plans for the launch of the upcoming single-player sci-fi RPG on consoles and PC.
Singapore – March 2018 – Virtuos is proud to share that it lent its co-engineering expertise to Assassin’s Creed® III Remastered, which launched last month on the Xbox One family of devices including Xbox One X, PlayStation®4, and PC.
Dublin, 11th March 2019 – After 40 years as a beloved role-playing adventure series, Chaosium Inc. is partnering with Dublin-based developer Black Shamrock to bring RuneQuest into the 21st century – as a video game RPG. Black Shamrock is developing an all new RPG adventure based on the work of legendary fantasy game designer and world-builder Greg Stafford for the very first time.
Singapore – October 2018 – Virtuos is very proud that Square-Enix last month announced some exciting news for the legendary Final Fantasy® franchise.
Starlink: Battle for Atlas was a big risk. We may have mentioned this before.
Launching a new IP is risky at any time of year, but do so within the same month as Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, and that little-known cowboy outing from Rockstar Games is bold to say the least.