The Virtuos Art team was involved in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and produced art assets used in constructing the game.
The Virtuos Art team was involved in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and produced art assets used in constructing the game.
Singapore – April 2020 – Doom Eternal, the newest major first-person shooter title by developer id Software and publisher Bethesda Softworks, has released for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Stadia on 20th March 2020.
Singapore – November 2019 – As one of the most popular strategy games of all time, Microsoft celebrated the 20th anniversary of the series with the release of Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition on November 15, which features stunning 4k graphics and brand-new campaigns and new civilizations.
The Virtuos Art team provided art support for the game Planet Zoo by creating a number of vivid and detailed animal art assets, as well as the production of numerous environments and animations.
3D Graphics and Animation studio Sparx*, a Virtuos studio in Vietnam, announces today a new partnership with Riot Games to develop new skins for the online multiplayer battle arena game League of Legends (LoL).
Singapore – March 2019 – Fans have waited 11 long years for the release of Devil May Cry 5, and they were not let down. The latest installment in Capcom’s beloved action game series officially launched on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on March 8.
Singapore – February 2019 – Far Cry® New Dawn, the latest Far Cry® spinoff, features a colorful and vibrant doomsday theme. This post-apocalyptic shooter is a direct sequel to Far Cry® 5. The game topped charts after its release on February 15 on PS4, Xbox One and PC/Steam.
Singapore – December 2018 – Bumblebee, Transformers first spinoff title, will be Paramount’s 2018 Christmas gift to cinephiles!
Singapore – November 2018 – BATTLEFIELD™ V, the World War II multiplayer shooter developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts(EA), officially launched on Xbox One, Playstation®4, and PC on November 20th.
Singapore – November 2018 – Fallout® 76, the 9th title in the Fallout® series, was released on November 14th on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One after a successful open beta. This is the first time Bethesda has launched an online multiplayer action role-playing game.